Attending a Companion Animal Workshop
Tellington TTouch workshops for companion animals provide an incredible amount of information, teach practical skills and give participants new ways to understand and interact with their animals in a positive way. Whether you are a skilled professional in their field or a life-long animal lover, you will walk away with a new understanding of your dog or other companion animal or any other animal you work with.
Training clinics with an Tellington TTouch Instructor or a 1 or 2 day workshops with a qualified practitioner combine a huge amount of information, with an easy to learn, fun, hands-on format. Participants may choose to bring their own dog or attend without as participants will often work in pairs or small groups with each dog. Both the 5 or 6 day clinics and shorter workshops are suitable for all levels of dog handlers and delve into the 3 components of the work; philosophy and observations; gentle bodywork technique and mindful ground and leading exercises.
Participants go away with a clear understanding of how to evaluate a dog’s physical tension and bracing patterns, as well as what bodywork to use when. Honing observation skills brings new awareness to handlers, and better assesses physical limitations in dogs, and how these may be reflected in negative behaviour.
The bodywork techniques are taught in a hands-on manner, and is practiced on the participating dogs, as well as on people, to provide clear feedback on technique. By the end of the clinic or workshop most participants go away with many new tools to effectively deal with body soreness, stiffness, and improve overall well-being.
Tellington TTouch groundwork consists of a variety of leading exercises developed to improve coordination, balance, posture, and straightness. These can be done on either side, with one handler or two. These slow, mindful exercises serve to change habitual tension patterns, and ameliorate behavioural problems.
Introducing a new idea to the world of horses was not an unusual experience, as my first husband and I had founded the Pacific Coast Equestrian School and Research Center for clinical studies of horses in the early 1960’s. By 1975 I introduced the then revolutionary concept that horses who are resistant and unmanageable are usually reacting to pain, fear or stress. Integrating the theory of working with the nervous system of horses, I began to develop new ways of teaching a horse to learn without force. By 1978 I had developed the system of educating and healing horses known as Tellington Equine Awareness Method or TEAM.
You are not required to bring your own dog to a Tellington TTouch training. Many of the learning exercises are done in pairs or groups, and dogs are given down time to integrate what they have learned. Some participants are surprised to learn how much they learn when observing or working with dogs they do not know or have preconceived assumptions about.
Some of the topics covered will include:
- Observation of posture, body language, calming signals, gait and behaviour;
- Learn a variety of TTouch bodywork techniques;
- How to use TTouch equipment such as harnesses, two points of contact, the TTouch connector and Bodywraps;
- Ground and leading exercises to improve balance and self-confidence.
Combining the Tellington TTouch bodywork with special ground exercises and leading exercises, this training method offers an approach based on cooperation rather than domination and understanding rather than control. You will learn to chunk down the training process into incremental steps thereby increasing the potential for learning.
In a workshop you will experience this remarkable training approach for yourself. Every training has its own special flavour, but in each you will find yourself surrounded by like-minded dog lovers. You will also begin to see your canine companion with new eyes. Innovative opportunities for working with your dog will begin to crystallize. You will be empowered with the “gift of possibility”.